7 Nov 2014

When is a Blog Necessary Term for Content Marketing??

As we all know blogging increases our traffic, expands our audience, improves our engagement, allow us to design the message in our space that means blog solves all out internet problems. A blog is a discussion or informational site published on the World Wide Web.

Now a question arises every time we put up a blog is truly a real contribution?

Let's find it out when it could be wrong…

Your business is truly offline!!
In general, for this business, if you are successful at selling your products offline, especially if your product has as much variation as a gemstone, an argument can be made for staying offline entirely. Not at all blogging should be needed.
The most interesting things about your business are strictly confidential (or highly complicated)!!
For example, a CPA who handles individual tax returns might have success blogging about tips to avoid a big tax bill at year end, a big four accounting firm that specializes in corporate audits might want to think twice about that blog. Do you really have someone on hand who has something new and interesting to say about this and has the time to write? 

Content Marketing
Content Marketing

 When you should be blogging??
Now that we've looked at some times its okay not to have a blog, let's take a quick, expanded look at the reasons we might want to blog as part of our Content Marketing Strategy.

1. You're ready to invest in your future:

Content is a long game, so the payoffs from blogging may be farther down the road than you might hope. But if a blog is right for your company, you're giving yourself the chance to start shaping the message about your industry and your company the day you publish your first post. Keep at it and you might find that you start attracting customers from among your followers.

2. You have something to add to the discussion

Do you really have a fresh perspective on what's going on in your industry? Help others out by sharing your interesting stories and thoughtful commentary. You're building your authority and the authority of your company at the same time.
3. You want to expand your audience

If the content you're creating is truly awesome, people will share it and find it and love it. Some of those people will be potential customers who haven't even heard of you before. Keep up the excellence and you might just keep them interested.
For more points on Blog Writing